The Intelligent, Compassionate Learning Community
For Lesbians Who Value Conscious Love!
Do You Want To Stop Fighting & Get Back To Love?
Learn The Tools To Transform Your Relationship.
Speak & Be Heard, Listen & Connect:
Communication for Emotional Intimacy
Learn the fundamentals of Clean Speech and Clean Listening, a communication system designed by lesbians, for lesbians, using tools drawn from psychology, neuroscience and spiritual practice. This powerful approach can help keep you from getting stuck in painful processing loops and fights, deepen your emotional intimacy, prevent or heal conflict, and keep your love strong!
Here's the thing: If you're like most women, you really want your partner to HEAR you and GET you, and if she doesn't, it feels incredibly painful and unsatisfying. You do deserve to be heard and spoken to with empathy, tenderness, curiosity and love!
Of course, so does she:) So why is it so hard?
Well, most of us have rarely or never seen healthy communication in action, and emotion and triggers run high... so sadly, without having the proper skill-set, well-intentioned women who love each other get trapped in communication patterns that leave both women feeling equally unheard and misunderstood.
The good news is, this is completely preventable and changeable with Clean Speech and Clean Listening.
-- If you're in a relationship, join us to learn about how to speak and listen in ways that help your partner feels heard, and help her hear you, too.
-- And if you're single now, it's the perfect time to learn these skills, so you can truly be ready to create great communication the next time you fall in love.
In this class, we'll cover:
• Why lesbian relationships offer some of the very biggest communication challenges, AND some of the biggest rewards
• The five magic steps to listening so she feels heard, and speaking so that she can hear you, and how these simple practices can transform your experience in ALL your relationships (not just the romantic ones)
• Why most people have such destructive communication habits (it's not your fault - but it IS within your power to change)
• The most important things to do - and NOT do! - when you notice a conversation getting challenging
• What if the other person isn't motivated to change her listening and speaking style, and you're the only one who's willing to grow and learn?
Life and relationships really do get easier with Conscious Girlfriend skills.
Want More Amazing Classes Like This One On An Ongoing Basis?
Consider Joining The Academy!
Because Your Heart is Worth It.
Lesbians and queer women are courageous and powerful,
and relationships between women
can be the very best relationships on the planet.
We deserve happy, healthy love --
and we can have it!
But because two women can bond so deeply and quickly,
and because we often lack the know-how to date
in smart-for-our-heart ways,
our relationships can also go bad fast --
if you don't choose a partner wisely,
or don't have the skill, compassion and self-awareness
to navigate conflicts when they arise.
The Conscious Girlfriend Academy exists to support
women who value growth, and are willing to take action
to learn how to be the right partner, as well as find her.
If that sounds like you, we'll see you in class!
About CGA Director
Ruth L. Schwartz, Ph.D.
© 2024 Copyright Conscious Girlfriend. All Rights Reserved.