The Intelligent, Compassionate Learning Community For Lesbians++
Welcoming all self-identified women and adjacent non-binary people who love women or want to.
If you've ever had a lesbian relationship with physical or emotional abuse,
betrayal, threats of harm, or endless cycles of fighting,
it can feel almost impossible to:
It might feel as if you'll never heal from this.
But that's because it takes a very specific combination of steps, in the right order,
with the right kind of support... which until now has been hard to find.
You can stop tormenting yourself with questions like these:
The Get Your Life Back Intensive will give you answers,
and a roadmap back to wholeness.
Get Your Life Back
After A Toxic Lesbian Relationship
You asked. We heard you. Here's the class we designed for you.
Week 1: Self-Forgiveness and Self-Compassion
Why your relationship to yourself is crucial to your healing, and how to rewire your brain toward self-acceptance, self-care, self-liking and self-love
Week 2: Letting Go Of The Dream
Disentangling from the relationship web, understanding bonding and attachment, and becoming your own attachment healer
Week 3: Discernment and Trust
Understanding the real basis of trust, and becoming trustworthy to yourself
Week 4: Emotions, Triggers, Needs and Boundaries
Working skillfully with your most difficult states, and learning to ask for what you need and set life-affirming limits
Week 5: Transmuting Wounds Into Gifts
Exploring the higher soul purpose for surviving difficult life circumstances -- and healing the parts of you that believe you have to over-give or rescue in order to get love
Week 6: Moving Forward Toward Wholeness
Releasing inner barriers and blocks to receiving love
Transmuting limiting beliefs about what's possible for you, and what you deserve
Week 7: Putting It All Together
Building the inner and outer support teams that will help you move forward into the present and future you want
The Get Your Life Back Intensive
will change your life.
But yearly membership will support you even more.
Feel like you've been wandering in the lesbian love wilderness without a map or guide? Exhausted by shattering breakups, heartbreaking divorce, chemistry-laden soul connections that crash and burn? There is a better way, and you'll learn it here.
Membership includes the Get Your Life Back Intensive, as well as these two best-selling courses, featured below, plus 50-100 other classes in our archives, and all our live courses offered throughout the year, and live weekly coach-led skill-building labs, and intimate group coaching with director Ruth Schwartz, for our Deep Dive members.
The Academy is a treasure trove of lesbian love support, based on neuroscience, attachment theory and lesbian-centric growth tools that have changed lives in 25+ countries around the world.
Participant Comments:
"Wow, this gives me hope!"
"I just had another lightbulb moment."
"Now I see the key to unlocking the whole thing. I can't believe how simple and obvious it seems, but I never got it before."
"I feel both tender, and so much more empowered."
Four-Class Intensive Included Free For All Members
Lesbian Communication
For Emotional Intimacy
Speak So She Can Hear You
Listen So She Feels Heard
The wrong words can cause damage forever. Yet stuffing your emotions and staying silent causes damage, too. What to do?
Empower yourself with the knowledge you need.
1) The #1 mistake you probably make when bringing up hard things, and what to do instead.
2) Why lesbians are famous for hours of "processing" that drains us and makes things worse, and how to avoid this trap.
3) Why "asking for what you want" often makes the other person back away, and the approach that can change everything.
4) Why the words you say matter less than the state you're in when you say them, and how to shift your state back to safety again.
You can buy this class a la carte here, but joining as a member is a better deal and gives you so much more! Check out membership here.
"The Attachment class was the best class on relationships I have ever, ever been to -- and I've been through a lot of relationship training. I just saw with clarity the dynamics that went on in my relationship... and just hearing from all the women who've been on both sides... I've been recommending it to everyone, because it was so powerful. Now I feel way more equipped to enter into a new relationship."
-- Cynthia Way
Founder, Lez Love Community
"There are not even enough words to describe the impact of the attachment healing class… I feel grateful to have this added insight about myself, and to belong to the CGA Village.
-- Marge Grossman
Four-Class Intensive Included Free For All Members
Lesbian Attachment Healing Intensive
Learn why attachment wounding is at the root of most lesbian breakups -- and how to heal it.
Attachment is your brain's blueprint for bonding and connection. We usually feel the strongest chemistry with people who have the opposite blueprint -- and a push-pull struggle results.
Let's take Jane and Lisa as an example. They were over the moon when they first fell in love, but now they're fighting. Jane wants more contact, texting, time together and affection, while Lisa needs more space and alone time.
The more Jane expresses her feelings and needs, the more suffocated Lisa feels. "I'm never enough for you," she says, while Jane retorts, "You're just scared of intimacy."
Sound familiar? We've all been there, and whether you've been in the "Jane" role, the "Lisa" role, or some of each, this class will help you break through painful cycles, reconnect with your partner, or finally understand what happened with your ex.
You can buy courses a la carte course, but joining as a member is a better deal and gives you so much more! Check out membership here.
Nicki Monahan
Certified Conscious Girlfriend Coach
Weekly Live Skills Love Lab Free For All Members
Come practice the skills and conversations that will make all the difference in your dating and relationship life -- and connect with like-minded, growth-oriented, compassionate women.
Members Say:
I've been on a long journey searching for something this rich and meaningful and not finding...I honestly feel like I've come home.
-- Dori, Canada
I am definitely not the same woman who signed up for this three months ago! I feel such a blossoming, expanding, and emerging spirit now that I never would have thought I could ever feel about myself. -- C., Colorado
Learn more about our weekly live coach-led Skills Lab, free to all members, here.
Start With A 30-Minute Strategy Session
For Just $49.
Get a half hour consult with Jen, herself a survivor of more than one toxic lesbian relationship, to learn how the Academy can best support your journey back to wholeness.
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